Simulate from Model EBE

Simulate outcomes from model empirical Bayes estimates with mrgsolve.


1 Introduction

This document provides an example of how mrgsolve can be used to simulate subject-specific exposures from empirical Bayes estimates (EBE) generated from a NONMEM estimation run. We will simulate exposures at each individual’s nominal dose and summarize by DOSE and renal function group.

2 Tools used

2.1 MetrumRG packages

  • mrgsolve Simulate from ODE-based population PK/PD and QSP models in R.

  • yspec Data specification, wrangling, and documentation for pharmacometrics.

  • pmtables Create summary tables commonly used in pharmacometrics and turn any R table into a highly customized tex table.

  • bbr Manage, track, and report modeling activities, through simple R objects, with a user-friendly interface between R and NONMEM®.

2.2 CRAN packages

  • dplyr A grammar of data manipulation.

3 Outline

First, we’ll prepare a model and data set for simulating subject-specific PK profiles from EBEs output from NONMEM®.

After simulating the data, we’ll create two summaries:

  • The first summary will look at exposures in subjects with normal renal function. We’ll create a table summarizing Cmax, Cmin and AUC at steady state by dose.

  • The second summary will look at steady state exposures across doses and renal function groups (e.g. mild, moderate, or severe renal impairment)

The summaries will be saved in table format to include in the report.

Finally, we’ll demonstrate how to preview tables in an environment that mimics our report formatting.

4 Required packages and options


These options are set to direct outputs.

  mrgsolve.soloc = here("script/build"),
  bbr.verbose = FALSE, 
  pmtables.dir = here("deliv/table")

We load the yspec object, which will provide information about the data set

spec <- ys_load(here("data/derived/pk.yml"))

5 EBE simulation model

The final model run (model/pk/106) was a standard two-compartment model with first-order absorption. This means that we can simply use a model out of the internal library that ships with mrgsolve

mod <- modlib("pk2")

This model is parameterized with CL, Vn, Q and KA


 Model parameters (N=5):
 name value . name value
 CL   1     | V2   20   
 KA   1     | V3   10   
 Q    2     | .    .    

6 EBE simulation data set

Our strategy is to read in the output from run 106 where we tabled all of the subject-level EBEs and create a data set that will allow us to generate exposures using those parameter estimates.

We use nm_join() to get an integrated data frame of input and output data

data <- nm_join(here("model/pk/106"))
# A tibble: 6 × 49
  C       NUM    ID  TIME   SEQ   CMT  EVID   AMT DV.DATA   AGE    WT    HT
  <lgl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 NA        1     1  0        0     1     1     5     0    28.0  55.2  160.
2 NA        2     1  0.61     1     2     0    NA    61.0  28.0  55.2  160.
3 NA        3     1  1.15     1     2     0    NA    91.0  28.0  55.2  160.
4 NA        4     1  1.73     1     2     0    NA   122.   28.0  55.2  160.
5 NA        5     1  2.15     1     2     0    NA   126.   28.0  55.2  160.
6 NA        6     1  3.19     1     2     0    NA    84.7  28.0  55.2  160.
# ℹ 37 more variables: EGFR <dbl>, ALB <dbl>, BMI <dbl>, SEX <int>, AAG <dbl>,
#   SCR <dbl>, AST <dbl>, ALT <dbl>, CP <int>, TAFD <dbl>, TAD <dbl>,
#   LDOS <int>, MDV <int>, BLQ <int>, PHASE <int>, STUDYN <int>, DOSE <int>,
#   SUBJ <int>, USUBJID <chr>, STUDY <chr>, ACTARM <chr>, RF <chr>,
#   IPRED <dbl>, NPDE <dbl>, CWRES <dbl>, CL <dbl>, V2 <dbl>, Q <dbl>,
#   V3 <dbl>, KA <dbl>, ETA1 <dbl>, ETA2 <dbl>, ETA3 <dbl>, DV <dbl>,
#   PRED <dbl>, RES <dbl>, WRES <dbl>

Next, we’ll subset that data frame down to doses

dose_rec <- filter(data, EVID==1)

and then generate a data frame of subject-level parameters

pars <- distinct(
  ID, CL, V2, Q, V3, KA,

# A tibble: 6 × 10
     ID    CL    V2     Q    V3    KA   AMT RF    ACTARM      DOSE
  <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr>      <int>
1     1  2.62  39.8  3.02  53.0  1.39     5 norm  DEMO 5 mg      5
2     2  1.88  34.2  2.88  49.8  1.77     5 norm  DEMO 5 mg      5
3     3  3.27  50.9  3.01  52.7  1.41     5 norm  DEMO 5 mg      5
4     4  7.34 129.   4.10  79.7  3.38     5 norm  DEMO 5 mg      5
5     5  6.75 133.   4.62  93.5  2.91     5 norm  DEMO 5 mg      5
6     6  3.69  62.2  3.61  67.3  1.46    10 norm  DEMO 10 mg    10

This simulation is going to depend on the fact that our EBE parameter names (e.g. CL and V3) match up with the names of the parameters in the pk2 model from the internal library.

mrgsolve comes with a function to check names in the data against names in the model to help confirm that the two match up

inventory(mod, pars)
Found all required parameters in 'pars'.

Great! We have accounted for all the model names in our data set.

We’ll simulate exposures at steady state for once-daily dosing

dose <- mutate(pars, II = 24, SS = 1, TIME = 0, EVID = 1, CMT = 1)

# A tibble: 6 × 15
     ID    CL    V2     Q    V3    KA   AMT RF    ACTARM  DOSE    II    SS  TIME
  <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr>  <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1  2.62  39.8  3.02  53.0  1.39     5 norm  DEMO …     5    24     1     0
2     2  1.88  34.2  2.88  49.8  1.77     5 norm  DEMO …     5    24     1     0
3     3  3.27  50.9  3.01  52.7  1.41     5 norm  DEMO …     5    24     1     0
4     4  7.34 129.   4.10  79.7  3.38     5 norm  DEMO …     5    24     1     0
5     5  6.75 133.   4.62  93.5  2.91     5 norm  DEMO …     5    24     1     0
6     6  3.69  62.2  3.61  67.3  1.46    10 norm  DEMO …    10    24     1     0
# ℹ 2 more variables: EVID <dbl>, CMT <dbl>

7 Simulate PK in all subjects

We can control the precision of Cmax and AUC calculations by reducing the number of time steps in the simulated output. In this example, we’ll simulate one dosing interval (24 hours) with a simulation output time step of 0.1 hours. That is, we’ll have one simulated concentration every 0.1 hours in the output

mod <- update(mod, delta = 0.1, end = 24)

We would like to summarize the simulated data by certain data set items, so we’ll “recover” those from the input data to the simulated output

out <- mrgsim_df(
  recover = "ACTARM,RF,CL,DOSE", 
  recsort = 3

8 Calculate exposure metrics

The data were simulated at steady state, so all exposure metric are steady state exposures.

8.1 Cmax and Cmin

This is a simple summary of the minimum and maximum concentration in the simulated time window by ID and DOSE

maxmin <- 
  out %>% 
  group_by(ID, DOSE) %>% 
  summarise(Cmax = max(CP), Cmin = min(CP), .groups = "drop")

8.2 AUC

We use auc_partial() from the mrgmisc package to do a simple AUC calculation by trapezoidal rule over the 24 hour dosing interval

auc <- 
  out %>% 
  group_by(ID, DOSE) %>% 
  summarise(AUC = auc_partial(TIME, CP), .groups = "drop")

8.3 Create a single data set of exposures

Now, we’ll join the Cmin, Cmax, and AUC summaries together in a single data frame

pk <- left_join(maxmin, auc, by = c("ID", "DOSE"))
id <- distinct(data, ID, USUBJID, STUDY, RF)
pk <- left_join(pk, id, by = "ID")
pk <- select(pk, STUDY,  USUBJID, everything()) 
head(pk, n=3)
# A tibble: 3 × 8
  STUDY        USUBJID             ID  DOSE  Cmax   Cmin   AUC RF   
  <chr>        <chr>            <dbl> <int> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010001     1     5 0.141 0.0457  1.90 norm 
2 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010002     2     5 0.186 0.0707  2.66 norm 
3 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010003     3     5 0.112 0.0355  1.53 norm 

9 Exposure comparison - normal renal function

First, make a table looking at normal renal function for doses between 10 and 100 mg daily at steady state

normal <- filter(pk, RF=="norm", DOSE >= 10 & DOSE <= 100)

normal <- ys_add_factors(normal, spec, .suffix = "f")

To summarize exposures, we’ll tap the functionality provided by pt_cont_long() from the pmtables package. This will summarize continuous data in a table with long orientation.

pmtab <- pt_cont_long(
  cols = "AUC, Cmax, Cmin", 
  panel = vars("Daily dose:" = "DOSEf"), 
  summarize_all = FALSE

Now, we’ll take the pmtable object and annotate with some footnotes and input and output file names

tab <- 
  pmtab %>% 
  st_new() %>%
  st_notes("AUC: ng$\\cdot$hr/mL, Cmax: ng/mL, Cmin: ng/mL") %>% 
  st_notes("All exposure metrics at steady state") %>% 
  st_notes("N: number of individuals") %>%  
    r = "pk-ebe-simulate.Rmd", 
    output = "pk-ebe-normal.tex"
  ) %>% stable()

Preview the final table with st_as_image()


Figure 1: Exposure summaries for different doses in subjects with normal renal function.

Save the table to the deliv/tables directory

  • Recall we set output in the st_files() call to set the output file name (a .tex file)
  • Recall we set the pmtables.dir option to direct the output to that directory

10 Exposure comparison - renal function groups

In this section, we’ll create a table summarizing exposures by dose level and renal function group.

First, we’ll make the data long with respect to the exposure metrics

pk_long <- pivot_longer(pk, cols = c(Cmax, Cmin, AUC))

# A tibble: 6 × 7
  STUDY        USUBJID             ID  DOSE RF    name   value
  <chr>        <chr>            <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr>  <dbl>
1 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010001     1     5 norm  Cmax  0.141 
2 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010001     1     5 norm  Cmin  0.0457
3 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010001     1     5 norm  AUC   1.90  
4 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010002     2     5 norm  Cmax  0.186 
5 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010002     2     5 norm  Cmin  0.0707
6 101-DEMO-001 101-DEMO-0010002     2     5 norm  AUC   2.66  

Now, group by dose level and renal function group and summarize

pk_sum <- 
  pk_long %>% 
  group_by(DOSE, RF, Metric = name) %>% 
    N = n(),
    Median = median(value), 
    Min = min(value), 
    Max = max(value),
    .groups = "drop"

Subset the PK summary to the doses of interest

compare <- filter(pk_sum, DOSE >= 25 & DOSE <= 75)

We use the sig() function from the pmtables package to limit significant digits and render the summary as character data type

compare <- mutate(compare, across(c(Median, Min, Max), sig))

Continue to get the data frame ready to generate a table.

We can convert the RF column into a factor with labels coming from the yspec object

compare <- ys_add_factors(compare, spec, RF, .suffix = "f")
count(compare, RF, RFf)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
  RF    RFf          n
  <chr> <fct>    <int>
1 mild  mild         3
2 mod   moderate     3
3 norm  normal       9
4 sev   severe       3
compare <- select(compare, DOSE, Metric, Renal = RFf, everything())
compare <- arrange(compare, DOSE, Metric, Renal)
compare <- mutate(compare, DOSEf = paste0(DOSE, " mg daily")) 

Using the compare data frame, start styling the table

tab2 <- 
  compare %>% 
  select(-RF, -DOSE) %>%
  st_new() %>%
  st_right(.l = "Metric, Renal") %>% 
  st_clear_reps(Metric) %>%
  st_panel("DOSEf", prefix = "Dose:") %>%
  st_notes("AUC: ng$\\cdot$hr/mL, Cmax: ng/mL, Cmin: ng/mL") %>% 
  st_notes("All exposure metrics at steady state") %>% 
  st_notes("N: number of individuals") %>% 
    r = "pk-ebe-simulate.R", 
    output = "pk-ebe-compare.tex"
  ) %>% stable()

In the above pipeline

  • st_right justifies columns to the right and customizes Metric and Renal
  • st_clear_reps removes replicate values in the Metric column
  • st_panel creates groups of rows into panels with grouping title
  • st_notes adds table footnotes
  • st_files attaches source code and output file names

To preview the TeX table as a png graphic, we’ll use st_as_image() from the pmtables package


Figure 2: Exposure summaries for different doses and renal function groups.

As above, we save the table object which already has the output file name embedded


11 Preview tables in report environment

On this page, we generated two tables using the pmtables package. Previews of those tables were shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

We might also be interested in seeing how the tables appear in our LaTex report template. This can be done with the st2report() function from the pmtables package. The code below won’t render in this website, but you can try it on the tables you create with pmtables.

if(FALSE) { 
  st2report(list(tab, tab2), ntex = 2)

12 Other resources

12.1 Full script

The following script from the Github repository is discussed on this page. If you’re interested running this code, visit the About the Github Repo page first.