Naming Conventions

Use naming conventions that comply with the current guidelines of FDA, EMA and PMDA.

1 Introduction

Here we provide naming convention requirements for R scripts and data files. Regulatory agencies such as the FDA, EMA, and PMDA require particular naming conventions for submissions, so it is important for your project to comply with the requirements.

2 Naming conventions

  • All folder and file names (excluding the dot and the extension) must be lowercase and comprised of the following characters:

    • Alphabetic characters from “a” to “z”

    • Numbers from “0” to “9”

    • Hyphen-minus “-”

  • No other characters (such as, underscores “_” per EMA’s file name requirements) should be used in file or folder names

  • Length of names of folders, datasets and other files should be:

File/folder type Length restrictions
Folders 32 characters or less
Datasets 32 or fewer characters including the extension
Other files 64 or fewer characters including the extension
Full file path length 150 or fewer characters including the extension

2.1 Good examples

  • da-pk-1202.R
  • dv-pred-run-1003.pdf
  • 1234.ctl

2.2 Bad examples

  • da-pk_1202.R
  • DA_J101.R
  • dvPREDrun-1003.pdf

3 References

Following the naming conventions outlined above ensures you comply with the current guidelines of several regulatory agencies. To learn more about where these naming conventions came from, please take a look at the following resources:

  • FDA naming conventions are provided here with more general expectations for submitting pharmacometric data and models here and the updated 2022 population PK guidance for industry here.

  • PMDA naming conventions are provided here.

  • EMA naming conventions are provided here.