Covariate Forest Plots

Simulate outcomes from model posterior with mrgsolve.



This page demonstrates how to use the pmforest package along with mrgsolve to create covariate forest plots. These plots provide context around estimated covariate effects by simulating model parameters (e.g., clearance) after varying the values of different covariates one at a time. The simulated parameters are normalized to parameters simulated at the reference covariate levels and all simulations are performed over the uncertainty distribution of the THETAs from the estimated model. Sample from the Bayesian (Bayes) posterior are used to represent the uncertainty of THETA estimates.

Tools used

MetrumRG packages

  • pmforest Create forest plots, for pharmacometrics, to visualize variables of interest.

  • mrgsolve Simulate from ODE-based population PK/PD and QSP models in R.

  • yspec Data specification, wrangling, and documentation for pharmacometrics.

CRAN packages

posterior Provides tools for working with output from Bayesian models, including output from CmdStan.


First, we load:

  • data specification object
  • relevant mrgsolve model
  • data frame of the posterior of parameter estimates

Then, we use the mrgsolve model to simulate clearance parameters across the posterior parameter estimate set for the reference covariate set.

Next, we simulate clearances (again across the posterior parameter set) after varying the values of the different model covariates one at a time. This illustrates how changes in the covariate translate into changes in clearance.

Finally, we summarize the simulated clearance values at each covariate level and create a forest plot from these summarized simulations.

Required packages and options


Load the data specification object

Load the yspec object, this provides information about the data set (including model covariates):

spec <- ys_load(here("data/derived/pk.yml"))

We can include units on the plots (by pulling them from the spec), but we can also modify units to be blank:

spec$EGFR$unit <- ""

Then, extract a list of units to annotate the plot:

unit <- 
  spec %>% 
  ys_get_unit() %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  pivot_longer(everything(), values_to = "unit")

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  name  unit  
  <chr> <chr> 
1 C     ""    
2 NUM   ""    
3 ID    ""    
4 TIME  "hour"
5 SEQ   ""    
6 CMT   ""    

Read in posterior of parameter estimates

The as_draws_df function from the posterior package gives us a draws_df object. We use subset_draws from the posterior package to subset the draws for our purposes.

run <- 1100
MODEL_DIR <- here("model/pk")
mod_bbr <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR, run))
draws <- as_draws_df(mod_bbr)
post <- draws %>% 
  subset_draws(variable = c("THETA")) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  mutate(iter = row_number()) %>% 
  rename_with(~ str_remove_all(.x, "[[:punct:]]"), .cols = starts_with("THETA"))

Read in the mrgsolve model

For the final model (run 1100), we already have the simulation model coded up: 1100.mod . This enables us to simulate clearances from different covariate values.

mod <- mread(here(glue("script/model/{run}.mod")), end = -1, outvars = "CL")

mod <- zero_re(mod)

Note, that we call zero_re() on the model object; this suppresses the simulation of random effects. In this task, we are only interested in simulating typical parameters.


Simulate the reference

Simulate a dataframe of clearances at the reference covariate combination:

ref <- mrgsim(mod, idata = post) %>% select(iter = ID, ref = CL)

# A tibble: 6 × 2
   iter   ref
  <dbl> <dbl>
1     1  3.21
2     2  3.21
3     3  3.29
4     4  3.28
5     5  3.19
6     6  3.23

Note that this simulation produces clearances at the reference covariate levels because we coded the default covariates to be the reference values in the mrgsolve model.

Simulate different covariate levels

Now, we have to simulate clearances after perturbing each covariate across levels of interest one at a time.

To do this, we create a named list of vectors where the name reflects the covariate being perturbed, and the vector has all the values to examine.

x <- list(
  WT = c(85, 55), 
  EGFR = c(Severe = 22.6, Moderate = 42.9, Mild = 74.9), 
  ALB = c(5, 3.25), 
  AGE = c(45, 20)

For EGFR, we’ve included names for recoding the EGFR as a renal impairment stage (e.g., moderate renal impairment).

Now, we write a function that simulates each covariate at each of the prescribed levels:

ss <- function(values, col) {
  COL <- sym(col)
  idata <- tibble(!!COL := values, LVL = seq_along(values))
  idata <- crossing(post, idata)
  out <-
    mod %>% 
    mrgsim_i(idata, carry_out = c(col, "LVL", "iter")) %>% 
    mutate(name = col, value = !!COL,  !!COL := NULL) %>% 
  if(is_named(values)) {
    out <- mutate(
      value := factor(value, labels = names(values), levels=values)
  } else {
    out <- mutate(out, value = fct_inorder(as.character(value)))  

This function gets called using an imap variant to simulate clearances:

out <- imap_dfr(x, ss)
# A tibble: 6 × 7
     ID  time   LVL  iter    CL name  value
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <fct>
1     2     0     1    46  3.46 WT    85   
2     4     0     1  1485  3.43 WT    85   
3     6     0     1  1484  3.44 WT    85   
4     8     0     1   460  3.62 WT    85   
5    10     0     1  1483  3.45 WT    85   
6    12     0     1   268  3.49 WT    85   

This function:

  • Creates an idata_set with the current covariate name and values
  • Uses tidyr::crossing to expand idata to include all the posterior samples loaded from post
  • Simulates the clearance
  • Post simulation, logs the name of the covariate and the values simulated
  • Post simulation, checks whether covariate names were passed and, if so, recodes the covariate values accordingly

The result of the function is 200 clearance values simulated at multiple levels of multiple covariates.

count(out, name, value)
# A tibble: 9 × 3
  name  value        n
  <chr> <fct>    <int>
1 AGE   45        2000
2 AGE   20        2000
3 ALB   5         2000
4 ALB   3.25      2000
5 EGFR  Severe    2000
6 EGFR  Moderate  2000
7 EGFR  Mild      2000
8 WT    85        2000
9 WT    55        2000


Get ready to plot

Merge the units to the model output by name:

out <- left_join(out, unit, by = "name")
out <- mutate(out, cov_level = str_trim(paste(value, unit)))

Merge in the reference clearance values by iter and calculate the simulated clearance relative to the reference (relcl):

out <- left_join(out, ref, by = "iter")
out <- mutate(out, relcl = CL/ref)

Set up labels and create a labeller object:

all_labels <- ys_get_short(spec, title_case = TRUE)
all_labels$EGFR <- 'Renal Function'
all_labels$CL <- 'CL (L/hr)'

plot_labels <- as_labeller(unlist(all_labels))

Summarize the data

Call summarize_data from the pmforest package to generate summaries. Here, we use the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the clearance at each covariate level. summarize_data also returns the median for plotting.

sum_data <- summarize_data(
  data = out, 
  value = "relcl",
  group = "name",
  group_level = "cov_level",
  probs = c(0.025, 0.975),
  statistic = "median"

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  group group_level   mid    lo    hi
  <chr> <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 AGE   20 years    1.02  0.944 1.11 
2 AGE   45 years    0.990 0.955 1.03 
3 ALB   3.25 g/dL   0.871 0.825 0.918
4 ALB   5 g/dL      1.05  1.03  1.06 
5 EGFR  Mild        0.914 0.899 0.930
6 EGFR  Moderate    0.697 0.650 0.745

Create the plot

Please see the ?plot_forest documentation for details around each argument.

clp <- plot_forest(
  data = sum_data,
  summary_label = plot_labels,
  text_size = 3.5,
  vline_intercept = 1,
  x_lab = "Fraction and 95% CI \nRelative to Reference",
  CI_label = "Median [95% CI]",
  plot_width = 8, 
  x_breaks = c(0.4,0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4,1.6), 
  x_limit = c(0.4,1.45),
  annotate_CI = T,
  nrow = 1

Other resources

The following script from the GitHub repository is discussed on this page. If you’re interested running this code, visit the About the GitHub Repo page first.